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Why You Deserve to Retire to Sarasota

December 2, 2021

At Medallion Home, we're firm believers in the pure magic of retirement. In one of our beautiful, sunny new home communities in Sarasota (recently named U.S. News World Report's #1 Best Place to Retire in the U.S.!) you wake up every morning knowing that bright blue skies and happy vibes are waiting for you wherever you go.

Still, we understand that finalizing the decision to retire requires a lot of planning and thought - so we've put together a list to help you make the call. Of course, you know that lounging on the beach at our leisure is fun, but did you know that it can significantly improve your health? Or that it can lead to new friendships and personal opportunities? Take a look at our top reasons that retiring in Sarasota really does change your life:

No More Work-Related Stress

Even if you love your career, you've most likely encountered stress due to everything from coworkers and clients to time consumption and pressure. As you know, stress wreaks havoc on the body, including increased blood pressure, insomnia, and so much more. Guess what? Without having to worry about work-related stress, all of these ailments are a thing of the past. It's finally your time to sit back, relax, and enjoy your life.

In a Medallion home, you can get to the beach in 1-2-3! Grab your beach chair and an ice-cold margarita.

Be Your Own Boss

Have you always had a secret talent for painting pottery? How about homemade jewelry? One of the best parts about retiring in Sarasota is that you can still keep busy with work - but this time, you can do it entirely on your terms without any of the stress. If you love crafts, writing, freelancing, or anything related, you can make a "mini career" out of your hobby, from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Now you're your own boss!

In a Medallion home, you can hone your skills in style on your private lanai or in your den or media room.

More Time For Wellness

Apart from reduced stress, your open-ended days mean you have all the time in the world to not only do what you've always wanted but to pay more attention to yourself (which you deserve more than anything). From playing sports with friends to exploring town to cooking a variety of meals, the opportunities to stay active and practice self-care here keep you happy and healthy - which just makes every day even sweeter.

In a Medallion home, you can test out recipes you've never thought to try in your gorgeous gourmet kitchen.

Explore Your Passions

Finally, the things that you love - the activities and practices that bring meaning and joy to your life. Whether it's boating at sunset, volunteering with charities, taking a weekend getaway, or spending time with your grandchildren, you now have the means to live your life to its fullest. From the amenities in your community to the opportunities in town, your retirement is the chapter of your journey that's filled with the most excitement, discovery, and love. Sarasota is known for its art and culture, so feel free to find your creative outlet in this vibrant city!

In a Medallion home, you can travel to the ends of the Earth and come back with a new passion to enjoy.

Are you thinking about retiring to Sarasota? We think your mind's on the right track. All of us here at Medallion Home can't wait to meet you and talk about the life-changing opportunities you'll experience in one of our homes! For more information on our new homes in Sarasota, give us a call at 941-214-9857.

Medallion Home reserves the right to change elevations, floor plans, specifications and prices without notice. All renderings, elevations, floor plans and maps are an artist’s conception, and are not intended to be an actual depiction of the buildings, fencing, walks, driveways or landscaping. All dimensions have been calculated from architectural drawings and may be subject to minor variations during construction. This web site is for informational purposes only, and should not be the sole basis of a decision to purchase any property. Please see our sales representatives with any questions. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law.